Hit Toronto's high notes during our favourite city bike tour - the historic Distillery District, Cabbagetown and the often missed Evergreen Brickworks.
We meet at the Canary District, Toronto’s newest urban neighbourhood. Originally built to house athletes of the 2015 Pan Am Games, now a hip neighbourhood home to outdoor artwork like the Garden of Future Follies and Peeled Pavement illustrating the city’s industrial history and historical periods of development.

Gears bike shop, Canary

Peeled Pavement
The Distillery Historic District was founded in 1832 when Gooderham and Worts began as a windmill and then grew into the largest distillery in the world. Today you'll find a fusion of old and new, historical markings of its past are seen in it’s updated design to include one-of-a-kind stores, shops, galleries, studios, cafes and restaurants.

Riding through the city we will pass through a series of neighbourhoods illustrating the ‘melting pot’ of communities that bind Toronto together and make it a fascinating city to visit. With stops in Cabbagetown to visit the Riverdale Farm (Toronto’s original zoo) and the Wellesley Cottages (homes built in the 1850’s to house the workers from the local glue factory) more of the cities history will be illuminated.

Cabbage Town
After riding past the beautiful gardens of Rosedale we will drop into the Don Valley to visit the Evergreen Brickworks. The site is the where the Don Valley Brick Works was established in 1889 after the owners of the original paper mill discovered clay and realized they could create good quality bricks. Many of the original buildings have been restored to illustrate the history of the land and others have been renovated to house a restaurant, shop, workshops and outdoor space for community events.

The Brickworks
We ride back through the Don Valley alongside the Don River surrounded by trees and ease back into the core of the city. You'll have a keen understanding of Canada's largest city with the diverse layers of culture and people. If you enjoyed this taste of Toronto and want more, check out our Toronto Island tour for a completely different view.