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Bike Tours 2021 - Covid be Gone

Updated: May 26, 2021

Here in Ontario we've been living with restrictions that have prevented us from leading tours or offering clinics but it looks like the end is in sight. As the restrictions lift I imagine it will be a slow but steady build back to business as usual and we are ready to go. Toronto has improved it's cycling infrastructure over the past 18 months at a rate we've never seen before. With increased bike lanes and weekend road closures the opportunities to show off our city by bike has never been better and we can't wait to show you around.

We have opened the calendar for mid-June with our 2 most popular tours; Midtown, Brick Works and Distillery District and the Toronto Waterfront, Island and Distillery District. The Brick Works are starting to make plans for summer activities but it is always a beautiful place to visit and explore, this year's turtle population has exploded and the Blue Heron has returned.

The Tiki Taxi is back in action for our trips to the Toronto Islands and our friends at the Riviera - Ward's Island Kitchen have added another patio and take out hut to provide refreshments as we explore the rich history and local culture.

Toronto is preparing for an explosion of visitors and summer activities so start making your plans! Our schedule will be revised if necessary and all precautions will be taken to keep you safe. Join us for a tour and discover Toronto by bike!!

Keep Riding,


Chief Cyclist

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